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Type Definition of AQ Virtual Machine - AQ

Since different systems, hardware and other external conditions have different support and definitions for memory, it is necessary to design a unified type standard in order to make AQ virtual machine meet the requirements of cross-platform operation. This article defines and standardizes the type of AQ virtual machine to ensure that AQ virtual machines on different systems can run normally.

Since different systems, hardware and other external conditions have different support and definitions for memory, it is necessary to design a unified type standard in order to make AQ virtual machine meet the requirements of cross-platform operation. This article defines and standardizes the type of AQ virtual machine to ensure that AQ virtual machines on different systems can run normally.


Since different systems, hardware and other external conditions have different support and definitions for memory, it is necessary to design a unified type standard in order to make AQ virtual machine meet the requirements of cross-platform operation. This article defines and specifies the type of the AQ virtual machine to ensure that the AQ virtual machine on different systems can run normally.

Design ideas

First, in order to achieve the simplification of type and higher operation efficiency, the design of native types (types that are directly supported by the virtual machine without code definition) should be as few as possible. Therefore, for related complex types, such as enumerations and structures, we develop them at the compiler level to reduce the number and complexity of types of the virtual machine.

According to the definition of type in AqvmMemory_Memory in memory.h, each uint8_t stores 2 types, so the number oftypesshould be between0x00-0x0F` (16).

Secondly, through the study of types in other programming languages, we summarized the common types and designed the following types to achieve a balance between performance and simplicity in virtual machines.

  1. null - empty type
  2. byte - 1 byte signed integer type
  3. int - 4 byte signed integer type
  4. long - 8 byte signed integer type
  5. float - 4 byte single-precision floating-point type
  6. double - 8 byte double-precision floating-point type

Finally, we designed a detailed standard for types to ensure that AQ virtual machines can run cross-platform.

In order to reduce the type definitions of virtual machines, unsigned types will be implemented at the compiler level.

Type definitions of other programming languages

In order to make AQ’s type more extensive and easy for developers to master, we refer to the existing type definitions of common programming languages.
Here, the basic types in the following text are defined as general data types such as integers, floating-point numbers, and null types. They undertake basic data storage work or have special significance.


The current C standard is ISO/IEC 9899:2018 Information technology — Programming languages ​​— C. Since the copyright of this standard belongs to ISO (International Organization for Standardization) and IEC (International Electrotechnical Commission), in order to avoid copyright disputes, we have summarized the type definitions in it. The same below.

Official website: https://www.iso.org/standard/74528.html

  1. _Bool - Objects declared as _Bool type are large enough to store values ​​​​of 0 and 1.
  2. (unsigned) char - character type. An object declared as type char is large enough to store any member of the basic execution character set. If a member of the basic execution character set is stored in a char object, its value is guaranteed to be non-negative. If any other character is stored in a character object, the resulting value is implementation-defned, but shall be in the range of values ​​representable in the type.
  3. signed char - signed character type.
  4. short int - extended signed integer type.
  5. unsigned short int - extended unsigned integer type.
  6. int - extended standard signed integer type.
  7. unsigned int - standard unsigned integer type.
  8. long int - extended signed integer type.
  9. unsigned long int - extended unsigned integer type.
  10. long long int - extended signed integer type.
  11. unsigned long long int - extended unsigned integer type.
  12. float - floating-point type. The value set of the float type is a subset of the set of values ​​of the double type.
  13. double - floating-point type. The value set of the double type is a subset of the set of values ​​of the long double type.
  14. long double - floating-point type.
  15. void - The void type contains a set of empty values; it is an incomplete object type and cannot be implemented.

In addition, C has other non-basic types, such as enumeration types (enum types), pointer types, etc. They are not discussed in the design of the virtual machine.

C++ and other C variants

The current C++ standard is ISO/IEC 14882:2020 Programming languages ​​— C++. Since the types of C++ and other C variants are basically the same as those of C, they are no longer listed.


The latest official version of Python is 3.12.4. The Built-in Types in the Python 3.12.4 Documentation documents the standard types built into the Python interpreter.
The main built-in types are numbers, sequences, maps, classes, instances, and exceptions. Due to space constraints, the contents other than basic types are not discussed here.

Source link: https://docs.python.org/zh-cn/3/library/stdtypes.html

  1. int - Integer Integer has unlimited precision. Unmodified integer literals (including hexadecimal, octal, and binary numbers) produce integers.
  2. float - Floating-point numbers Floating-point numbers are usually implemented in C using double. Numeric literals containing a decimal point or an exponential sign produce a floating point number.
  3. complex - Complex numbers Complex numbers have a real part and an imaginary part, each of which is a floating point number. Adding j or J to a numeric literal produces an imaginary number (a complex number with a zero real part), which can be added to an integer or a floating point number to produce a complex number with both a real part and an imaginary part.
  4. bool - Boolean Boolean is also a subtype of integer. A Boolean object representing a truth value. The bool type has only two constant instances: True and False.
  5. list - List Lists are mutable sequences, often used to store collections of items of the same kind (where the exact degree of similarity will vary depending on the application).
  6. tuple - Tuple A tuple is an immutable sequence, often used to store multi-tuples of heterogeneous data (e.g., tuples produced by the enumerate() built-in function). Tuples are also used in situations where an immutable sequence of homogeneous data is needed (e.g., to allow storage into instances of set or dict).
  7. range - The range type represents an immutable sequence of numbers, often used to iterate a specified number of times in a for loop.
  8. str - Text sequence type Text data is handled in Python using the str object, also known as a string. A string is an immutable sequence of Unicode code points.
  9. bytes - The bytes object is an immutable sequence of single bytes. Since many major binary protocols are based on the ASCII text encoding, the bytes object provides some methods that are only available when dealing with ASCII compatible data, and are closely related to the string object in many features.
  10. bytearray - The bytearray object is the mutable counterpart of the bytes object.
  11. memoryview - Memory view The memoryview object allows Python code to access the internal data of an object as long as the object supports the buffer protocol without copying.
  12. set - Set type The set object is an unordered multi-item set of unique hashable objects. Common uses include membership testing, removing duplicates from a sequence, and set-like calculations in mathematics, such as intersection, union, difference, and symmetric difference. The set type is mutable and its contents can be changed using methods such as add() and remove(). As a mutable type, it has no hash value and cannot be used as a dictionary keyor ansetelement.
  13. frozenset - Set Types The frozenset type is immutable and hashable, its contents cannot be changed after creation, so it can be used as keys of dictionaries or elements of other sets.
  14. dict - Mapping Types mapping objects map hashable values ​​to arbitrary objects. Mappings are mutable objects. Currently there is only one standard mapping type, dict.
  15. GenericAlias - GenericAlias objects are usually created by extracting a class. They are most commonly used for container classes, such as list or dict. For example, the list[int] GenericAlias object is created by extracting the list class with an int parameter. The main purpose of GenericAlias objects is for type annotations.
  16. union - Union objects contain the values ​​after performing | (bitwise or) operations on multiple type objects. These types are mainly used for type annotations. Compared with typing.Union, union type expressions can achieve more concise type hint syntax.


The specification of JVM (Java Virtual Machine) is The Java® Virtual Machine Specification, the latest version is Java SE 22 Edition, and the release date is 2024-02-09. Compared with the type definition at the compiler level of other languages, the situation of JVM is more in line with the design of virtual machine. At the same time, the types of JVM are divided into primitive types and reference types. Due to the needs of virtual machine development, primitive types are selected for discussion.
In addition, Java also has a specification, The Java Language Specification, Java SE 22 Edition, HTML link: https://docs.oracle.com/javase/specs/jls/se22/html/index.html PDF link: https://docs.oracle.com/javase/specs/jls/se22/jls22.pdf . Due to the special needs of virtual machine development, in this article, we choose to study the type definition of JVM rather than the type definition of Java language

Source link (HTML): https://docs.oracle.com/javase/specs/jvms/se22/html/jvms-2.html#jvms-2.3
Source link (PDF): https://docs.oracle.com/javase/specs/jvms/se22/jvms22.pdf

  1. byte - integer type whose value is an 8-bit signed two’s complement integer, and its default value is zero. From -128 to 127 (-27 to 27 - 1), inclusive.
  2. short - integer type Its value is a 16-bit signed two’s complement integer, whose default value is zero. From -32768 to 32767 (-215 to 215 - 1), inclusive.
  3. int - integer type Its value is a 32-bit signed two’s complement integer, whose default value is zero. From -2147483648 to 2147483647 (-231 to 231 - 1), inclusive.
  4. long - integer type Its value is a 64-bit signed two’s complement integer, whose default value is zero. From -9223372036854775808 to 9223372036854775807 (-263 to 263 - 1), inclusive.
  5. char - integer type whose values ​​are 16-bit unsigned integers representing Unicode code points in the Basic Multilingual Plane, encoded as UTF-16, whose default value is the null code point (\u0000). From 0 to 65535.
  6. float - floating-point type whose values ​​are exactly in the 32-bit IEEE 754 binary32 format, with a default value of positive zero.
  7. double - Floating point type Its value is exactly the same as the value of 64bit IEEE 754 binary64 format, and the default value is positive zero.

Detailed standard

Type definition

Complex types will be processed by the compiler to ensure the simplicity and efficiency of the virtual machine, and for simple types, they will be directly supported by the virtual machine.
The following are the 6 basic types defined by the AQ virtual machine:

Types that are not directly supported include unsigned integers, memory addresses (pointers), strings, etc. These types will be implemented at the compiler level. For the virtual machine, these types are indirectly implemented.

  1. null - 0x00 - empty type
    The empty type only represents an unknown type or a type that is not needed (for example: no return). No length.

  2. byte - 0x01 - 1 byte (8 bit) signed integer type
    Stored in two’s complement. Generally used to store bool or char. From -128 to 127 (-27 to 27 - 1), inclusive.

  3. int - 0x02 - 4 byte (32 bit) signed integer type
    Stored in two’s complement. From -2147483648 to 2147483647 (-231 to 231 - 1), inclusive.

  4. long - 0x03 - 8 byte (64 bit) signed integer type
    Using two’s complement storage. Memory address (pointer) is also stored in this way. Its value is a 64 bit signed two’s complement integer, and its default value is zero. From -9223372036854775808 to 9223372036854775807 (-263 to 263 - 1), inclusive.

  5. float - 0x04 - 4 byte (32 bit) single-precision floating-point type
    Using ISO/IEC 60559 Information technology — Microprocessor Systems — Floating-Point arithmetic standard.

  6. double - 0x05 - 8 byte (64 bit) double precision floating point type
    Using ISO/IEC 60559 Information technology — Microprocessor Systems — Floating-Point arithmetic standard.

Complement code


Complement code is a method of representing signed numbers in computers.


The complement code of a positive number and 0 is the number itself plus the highest bit 0. The complement code of a negative number is the absolute value is bitwise inverted and then 1 is added.

Floating point standard


Floating point standard adopts ISO/IEC 60559 Information technology — Microprocessor Systems — Floating-Point arithmetic standard. This standard is also known as the IEEE Standard for Binary Floating-Point Arithmetic (IEEE 754)

Official website: https://www.iso.org/standard/80985.html


The actual value of a floating-point number is equal to the sign bit multiplied by the exponent offset value multiplied by the fractional value. For detailed definition, see the ISO/IEC 60559 Information technology — Microprocessor Systems — Floating-Point arithmetic standard.

32 bit floating point
Bit lengthNameBit number
8Number30 to 23 positive value (actual exponent size + 127)
23Significant digit22 to 0 bit number (starting from the right with 0)
64 bit floating point
Bit lengthNameBit number
11Number62 to 52 positive value (actual exponent size + 1023)
52Significant digit51 to 0 bit number (starting from the right with 0)

types.h complete code:

For types there is also relevant code. The following is the code for types.h:

// Copyright 2024 AQ author, All Rights Reserved.
// This program is licensed under the AQ License. You can find the AQ license in
// the root directory.


#include <stdint.h>

// null - 0x00 - null type
// The null type simply represents an unknown type or a type that is not needed
// (e.g., returns nothing). Has no length.
typedef void aqnull;

// byte - 0x01 - 1 byte (8-bit) signed integer type
// Using two's complement storage. Generally used to store bool or char. From
// -128 to 127 (-2^7 to 2^7 - 1), inclusive.
typedef int8_t aqbyte;

// int - 0x02 - 4-byte (32-bit) signed integer type
// Stored in two's complement notation. From -2147483648 to 2147483647 (-2^31 to
// 2^31 - 1), inclusive.
typedef int aqint;

// long - 0x03 - 8-byte (64-bit) signed integer type
// Stored in two's complement notation. From -9223372036854775808 to
// 9223372036854775807 (-2^63 to 2^63 - 1), inclusive.
typedef int64_t aqlong;

// float - 0x04 - 4-byte (32-bit) single-precision floating point type
// Using ISO/IEC 60559 Information technology — Microprocessor Systems —
// Floating-Point arithmetic standard.
typedef float aqfloat;

// double - 0x05 - 8-byte (64-bit) double-precision floating point type
// Using ISO/IEC 60559 Information technology — Microprocessor Systems —
// Floating-Point arithmetic standard.
typedef double aqdouble;

// The part beyond 0x05 and within 0x0F is currently designated as a reserved
// type. The part beyond 0x0F cannot be used because it exceeds the 4-bit size
// limit.


We are working harder to develop the AQ virtual machine. If you want to learn more or participate in the development work, please follow our official website: https://www.axa6.com and Github: https://github.com/aq-org/AQ.

This article is based on the AQ License: https://github.com/aq-org/AQ/blob/main/LICENSE. If necessary, please adapt or reprint according to the AQ License.

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